Department of Community Medicine

About the Department

“Prevention is better than cure”

Thegoal of teaching Community Medicine in undergraduate medical curriculum is to ensure that medical graduates acquire competencies needed to solve common health problems of the community thereby preventing diseases and promoting the health of the people.

Even after becoming the physician the physician’s function is not limited merely prescribing homoeopathic medicines for curative purpose, but he has a wider role to play in the community. This can be achieved by thorough knowledge of various levels of prevention of most of the diseases which are by and large preventable. The knowledge acquired by the physician by studying community medicine will help in achieving this goal.

The department has large number of models related to entomology, water purification, various types of wells, incinerator, septic tank etc and it also has number of charts for demonstration. The department library is rich in various books and journals. 


Field visits are conducted every year and the students are taken to Telangana diary to study pasteurization technique, water purification plant, sewage treatment plant, communicable disease hospitals to study the cases under the perspective of community medicine, industry to study the industrial hygiene and working environment, Primary health centre to study the various services provided at the PHCs to the general public. All these visits will enrich the knowledge of students in a very practical way.

Villages are adopted from time to time and periodical health surveys are conducted by the students in a very enthusiastic manner.

School health surveys conducted by the department helps the students in gaining the knowledge related to school health, hygiene and sanitation.

Teaching of community medicine is made very simplified and interesting by interactive audio- visual sessions and seminars.

Faculty Details:

Dr. K. Suresh Kumar Reddy

Dr. K. Suresh Kumar Reddy

Professor, HOD

Qualification M.B.S (H),
Date of Birth 04/09/1963
Reg. No. 125
Name of Board Board of Indian Medicine
Date of Initial Appointment 01/04/1990
Email kondasuresh11
Dr. Alla Durga Venkata Srikanth

Dr. Alla Durga Venkata Srikanth

Asst. Professor

Qualification BHMS, M.D (HOM)
Date of Birth 27/09/1975
Reg. No. 1059/2001
Name of Board Board of Indian Medicine
Date of Initial Appointment 14/12/2018
Email drsrialla